منابع ریشه شناسی 2


Afroasiatic etymology : https://starlingdb.org/cgi-bin/response.cgi?root=config&morpho=0&basename=\data\semham\afaset&first=1

  • [Abr. Hs.]—R. C. Abraham. Dictionany ofthe Hausa Language. L., 1965.
  • [Abr. Som.]—R. C. Abraham. Somali-English Dictionary. L., 1962.
  • [AHw] —W. von Soden. Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. Wiesbaden, 1965—1981.
  • [Aist.] —J. Aistleitner. Wörterbuch der ugaritischen Sprache. Lpz., 1963.
  • [Aloj.] —Gh. Alojaly. Lexique touareg-francais. Copenhague, 1980.
  • [Appl. Agaw] —D. L. Appleyard. The Internal Classification of the Agaw Languages: A Comparative and Historical Phonology.—Current Progress in Afro-Asiatic Linguistics: Papers of the Yd Hamito-Semitic Congress. Amsterdam— Philadelphia, 1984 (pp. 33—67).
  • [Appl. Amh.]—D. L. Appleyard. A Comparative Approach to the Amharic Lexicon. Afroasiatic Linguistics, 5/2 (December 1977).
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  • [BDB]—A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by F. Brown, S. R. Driver and Ch. A. Briggs. Oxf., 1951.
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  • [Belot Ar.-Fr.] —J. B. Belot. Vocabulaire arabe-francais å l'usage des étudiants. Beyrouth, 1929.
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  • [Bla. Bed.] —V. Blaiek. Toward the position of Bed'awye within Afroasiatic. Paper at the Third Intemational Congress of Cushitic and Omotic Languages. B., 1994.
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  • [Bla. Om.] —V. Blahek. Omotic lexicon in Afroasiatic perspective. Paper at the Second International Congress of Cushitic and Omotic Languages. Turin, 1989.
  • [Blachère] —R. Blachère, M. Chouémi, C. Denizeau. Dictionnaire arabefrançais-anglais. P., 1964—.
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  • [Blau] —J. Blau. A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Wiesbaden, 1976.
  • [Brock.]—C. Brockelmann. Lexicon Syriacum. Halle, 1928.
  • [Bron] —F. Bron. Quatre inscriptions sabéennes provenant d'un temple de Dhû-Samawï. Syria LXXIV. Beyrouth, 1997 (pp. 73—80).
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  • [BY] —E. Ben Yehuda. Thesaurus totius hebraitatis. Vol. I 17. B., 1908—59.
  • [CAD] — The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Chicago, 1956—.
  • [Cantineau 1950] —J. Cantineau. Essai d'une phonologie de l'hébreu biblique. BSLP 46 (pp. 82—122).
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  • [CHVAL] —A. r. H. M. Abf1KOHOB, A. IO. Mn,xwrapeB, B. 51. HOPXOMOBCKHü, O. B. CTOA60Ba, A. C. qeTBepyxHH. CPa6HumeJLbH0-ucmoPuuecjcu,ü CJL06aPb fl3bL1f08. Bbln. 1—3. M., 1982—1983—1987. (A. G. Belova, I. M. Diakonoff, A. Yu. Militarev, V. Ya. Porkhomovsky, O. V. Stolbova, A. S. Chetverukhin. Comparative Historical Vocabulary ofAfrasian. Issues. 1—3. M., 1982—1983— 1987.)
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  • [Conti Rossini] —C. Conti Rossini. La langue des Kemant en Abyssinie. Vienne, 1912.
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  • [Diakonoff AL] —I. M. Diakonoff. Afrasian Languages. M. , 1988.
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  • [DM]—E. S. Drower, and R. Macuch. A Mandaic Dictionary. Oxf., 1963.
  • [Dolg. BP] —A. Dolgopolsky. Some Hamito-Semitic Names of Body Parts. Semitic and Cushitic Studies. Wiesbaden, 1994 (pp. 267—87).
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  • [Dolg. Segolata] —A. Dolgopolsky. Semitic Nomina Segolata in Ethiopic. Ethiopian
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  • [DRS] —D. Cohen. Dictionnaire des racines sémitiques ou attestées dans les langues sémitiques. La Haye, 1970
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  • CES] —A. Even-S(ßan. Milon xadasY menukad umcuyar. I—IV. Yertßalayim, 1961.
  • [Faber 1984] —A. Faber. Semitic Sibilants in an Afro-Asiatic Context. JSS 29
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  • [Fox] —J. T. Fox. Noun Patterns in the Semitic Languages. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Harvard University, 1996.
  • [Fraenkel] —S. Fraenkel. Die aramäischen Fremdwörter im Arabischen. Leiden, 1886.
  • [Freytag] —G. W. Freytag. Lexicon arabico-latinum. T. I—IV. Halle, 1833.
  • [Frisk] —H. Frisk. Griechisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg, 1960.
  • [Fron. Ebl.]—P. Fronzaroli. Materiali per il lessico eblaita l. Studi Eblaiti, 7, 145— 90.
  • [Fron. Studi]—P. Fronzaroli. Studi sul lessico comune semitico. Il. Anatomia e Fisiologia. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. Ser. VI Il, vol. X I X, fasc. 5—6, 1964 (pp. 18—55).
  • [Fuentes] —M. J. Fuentes Estafiol. Vocabulario Fenicio. Barcelona, 1980.
  • [G. —Abba Yohannes Gäbrä  Tigrifia-Amharic Dictionary. Asmara, 1956—1957.
  • [GAG] —W. von Soden. Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik. Rome, 1995.
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  • [Garb.] —I. Garbell. The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Persian Azerbaijan. London— the Hague—Paris, 1965.
  • [CJD] —C. Landberg. Glossaire Da!inois. Leiden, 1920—42.
  • [Gelb 1961] I. J. Gelb. WA = aw, iw, uw in Cuneiform Writing. JIVES 20 (pp. 194—196).
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  • [George] —A. R. George. The Akkadian Word for «Moustache». N,A.B.U. 1996/2, pp. 51—52.
  • [Girbal]—C. Girbal. Zur Phonologie des Akkadischen. AoF. 24 (pp. 172—181).
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  • [H. Cohen] —H. R. (Ch.) Cohen. Biblical Hapax Legomena in the Light of Akkadian and Ugaritic. Missoula, Montana, 1978.
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  • [Heine]—B. Heine. The Sam Languages. A History of Rendille, Boni and Somali. Afroasiatic Linguistics, 6/2, 23—115.
  • [Hetzron Classification] R. Hetzron. Ethiopian Semitic: Studies in Classification. Manchester, 1972.
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  • [Kaufman] —S. A. Kaufman. The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic. Chicago—London, 1974.
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  • [Kogan Opposition] —A. E. KoraH. I-lepcpeKTHaf1 OCHOBa CaCåC- H HMeHHan MOaej\b CåCaC-: erue OAHO aKIWHTHOe nPOTHBonOCTaBAeHHe B npaceMHTCKOM? Studia Linguarum. M. , 1997. (L. Ye. Kogan. The Perfect Base CaCåC- and the No-
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  • [Leslau Loanwords] —W. Leslau. Arabic Loanwords in Ethiopian Semitic. Wiesbaden, 1990.
  • [Leslau SSC I] —W. Leslau. South East Semitic Cognates to the Akkadian Vocabulary (I).JAOS 82 (pp. 1—4).
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